Saturday, July 23, 2011

A moldy problem

AKA: Mold. A four letter word.

This post is mainly to put to rest various rumors and misconceptions people have right now about our apartment and mold.

Here are the facts:
- it rained here for 2 straight weeks. Maybe longer. I lost track. No sun. Tons of humidity and warm temperatures
- anyone who knows anything about anything can tell you that moisture (humidity) plus warmth generally equals mold.
- mold/mildew took over our strollers, and could be found in the shape and size of small dots of myriads of other things in, on, and around our apartment.
- most Korean apartments are cement with wallpaper on the inside. No sheetrock, no paint, no insulation.

- our apartment is overrun by mold.
- special cleaning has to be employed to rid ourselves of this nastiness.

Basically the humidity needs to go down. Then all will be well.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sunday afternoon fun

About two weeks ago, on yet another Sunday afternoon, we made and decorated cookies together. It was a lot of fun doing it "all together!" as Max likes to say. But it took my kitchen several days to recover...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

An Excellent Day

Last Sunday was a great day. It really was. I'll tell you why. And I might throw in some pictures, too, if Blogger cooperates.

1) We got to go to church as a family. (After sleeping in a bit, since church doesn't start until 10:30 this month.)

2) Max went to her Sunday School class and stayed the WHOLE TIME. Without a meltdown. Without Ryan or me. For real.

3) We got to drive the car that some friends are letting us borrow until the end of the month to church, so we didn't arrive at either destination hot, sweaty, and tired.

4) Lunch had been made ahead of time. 'Nuff said.

5) I got a bunch of insurance stuff filed, so hopefully we'll start seeing some reimbursements before we starve. (I'm kidding. Mostly.)

6) Day four of the Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred. (For me. Ryan paid too much attention to me complaining when my legs were aching to be very interested in joining in.)

7) Max was in a good mood all day long. Always a good thing.

8) Had fun playing in the rain after dinner, before bathtime. Good, free entertainment. Doesn't get much better than that.