Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good Stuff

Howdy all. Our last post was not the most positive thing, so I wanted to take some time to tell you about some good things that have been going on here in Songtan.

Renee Sortore, a good friend of Corrie's who roomed with her down in Suriname (in the time before Ryan), and her husband Ross and their daughter Sadie will be here soon! When we got to Korea we learned from Tad that the school was not able to hire a music teacher for this year. We put him in contact with the Sortores (Ross is a music teacher) and everybody prayed really hard. Tad offered Ross the job and he took it, but then got caught up in bureaucracy as he and his family jumped through all of the hoops they needed to in order to get Korean visas. Well, the Sortores got everything they needed and they got tickets and will be here in a couple weeks. Corrie is very excited to see Renee, and ICS will greatly benefit from Ross's expertise.

Mason Stanley, ICS's seventh and eighth grade teacher gave a great chapel talk at school today. He has worked as a youth pastor before and has a powerful testimony. He talked some about his life and presented some scripture from Hosea. He ended by sharing the gospel and I know that God worked through him to touch several of the students. I am speaking about II Corinthians 4 next week. Please pray for me and for our students.

Corrie has been churning our some major sewing projects lately. Teal Romsa generously gave us her sewing machine and took Corrie to a fabric store. Corrie has made curtains, repaired the school's PE parachute, and made birthday presents for her friend Pam's daughter, Laura. She has been very industrious.

Elisha is almost a year old! We are having a breakfast-for-dinner party for him on Saturday. He is very in to climbing right now. Tonight after dinner he pulled himself onto a dining room chair and then up onto our table. Max has really started talking in the last couple of weeks. She can use simple sentences and her vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day. She is so smart!

We hope that you are all doing well. Thank you so much for you love, prayers and support. God bless!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


It has been a rough couple of weeks for the Kolbes in Korea. Two weeks ago today, Max got sick with some sort of stomach virus that made her throw up a lot and stole her energy. Fortunately, I had the week of Sept. 20th off of school due to a Korean holiday called Chusok. We had made some fun plans for things to do as a family during my vacation, but they did not work out. Elisha and I did lots of things together while Corrie took care of Victoria, who eventually got better.

Just as Max recovered and got her energy back, I came down with what she had and Corrie contracted a cold. For a day or so, it seemed that Elisha would be spared, but then he also caught the stomach bug. The weekend of the 24th was not a good time for us, but we put out a call for help and, thankfully, some of our friends from school and Church helped us by cleaning the house, bringing food, and watching the kids (or at least Max who had more energy than the rest of us put together). I missed school on Monday and Tuesday. Going back Wednesday was hard, but I survived and since Thursday, things have been a lot better.

Yesterday, we went to Seoul Grand Park. A big park that has an amusement park and a zoo. We went to the zoo and had a wonderful time. Corrie and the kids had been there before on their own so they had a lot of fun showing me the animals. We saw gorillas, chimps, and monkeys, meerkats and prairie dogs, giraffes and pygmy hippos, but I think my favorite were the rhinos. They are so big and powerful looking. Going to the zoo was one of the things that we had planned to do during my Chusok break, but you read what happened to those plans. It was very nice to do something like that together as a family.

Victoria and Elisha both are talking up a storm. Max is using simple, but complete sentences and E is baby-babbling, but both of them are very cute. Elisha will be one in seventeen days! That's crazy!

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I don't know how we'd make it without our powerful God and loving Church-family and the care from all of our friends back home.